Nuh, Harayana
Where Great Minds Grow
Rules and Regulations

Students should always wear their School ID card.
Parents are requested to go through their wards school diary regularly and sign the teacher’s remarks, if any.
Parents are requested to refrain from sending lunch boxes/ notebook of their wards during school hours.
Parents are requested to send their ward in neat and clean or small-size uniform. Students should not wear faded, over-size or small-size uniform. failing of which the child will be marked absent and sent home.
Please do not give mobile phone to your child. If student is found carrying a mobile phone, it will be confiscated and a heavy fine will be imposed.
The school administration reserves all rights to order withdrawal of a student in case of non payment of fee and other dues/ misbehavior or any kind of indiscipline.
Parents should use the “Leave Record” form in the diary when applying for leave or explaining the absence of their children.. It is essential that you mention an adequate explanation in application.