Nuh, Harayana
Where Great Minds Grow
Founder's Desk

We would like to warmly welcome you to M.M. P.S. We wish for the best future and every happiness of your child. We believe that children only get one chance to get quality education and that is his/her first step. We are committed to provide valuable education to your children. We actively encourage you to get involved with your child's school. Education plays an important role in enabling a person to face a real life situation with adequate knowledge. School is a temple of learning and in M.M.P.S. Modern Mother's Pride School, we are making our best efforts to give quality education to our students. Our main focus is to develop our students as ideal citizens with tolerance power, respect and appreciation of diverse cultures and religions for a life time learning experience. Just as every student gains something from school. so, he or she gives something in return either good or bad depending on the giver. But we try and hope that you will never let us down. See that what you give to the school is worth giving. Work hard, play hard and give your best at all times, do nothing which will harm your school's good name and your parent's as well. We promise you to do our best to ensure that your children receive the best way of learning. Our endeavor is to equip our students with life skills to face the real world.